Unveiled definitions

Unveiled definitions

Words used within our society and their true meaning

The Apocalypedia is a fantastic book by Darren Allen, which pierces through the veil of modernity by taking common words and giving the reader their actual meaning, or defining new words which express feelings and situations that aren't typically discussed about.

Some great entries found in his free preview of his book:

gulag wisdom
n.phr advice useful in prisons, cages, death-camps and technocratic prison worlds

n 1 to be simultaneously paralysed by emotion and provoked into restless movement by it 2 the never-ending sense that one never seems to quite have enough time while, at the same time, that nothing is ever really happening 3 constant movement at the service of nothing ever changing

n idealism by another name

n a lie so massive, so outrageous, it does not need to be (officially) concealed or denied

adj happy, unhappy, happy, unhappy, happy, unhappy…

This is my version of his idea, with entries nowhere near as original, but still a good light-hearted exercise of honesty about the world we live in.

I will be using two types of definitions: the symbol (r) denotes the real, and the symbol (m) the meaning within the modern world and its web of beliefs. For instance, Happiness (m) Comfort, means that within our system, happiness is seen as comfort. This doesn't mean that I believe that they are the same, just that through the incredibly weird and distorted lens of our society, one gets happy by being more comfortable.

If I do not use any symbol, then it is implied to be (r), as in the original Apocalypedia, which attempts to reveal the real meaning of the words we use.


Burnout (noun)
The result of work that has become so abstract and alienating that it doesn't produce any satisfaction, as well as the constant worry induced by the micromanaging workplace

A source of debt, alienation from one's body, wasted time in traffic jams and the frustration of increasing fuel and maintenance costs

A young person who lacks much experience but who also hasn't been tampered by the coercive societal program which homogenizes vibrant unique individuals with curiosity into automatons of the system

Collapse (noun)
The sobering wake-up call from reality of the unsustainable lifestyle reliant on the massive exploitation of our planet's resources and human beings

The misdirection of clever individuals into intellectualizing about problems they can do nothing about, as opposed to meaningful action

(m) Something that happens to others but not you

The proof that one is able to obey a great deal of senseless orders and tolerate significant restriction in their freedom, including the lifelong monetary debt in some parts of the world

The field of study which justifies the parasitical activities of the technological system, and which can only produce reliable predictions in retrospect

The socially acceptable form of apathy 1

FOMO - Fear of missing out
The state of not being clear about what one wants out of life, and as such swept up by the obsessive quest for novelty and impressing others, commonly found on social media

(m) Choice within the constrictions of the system

(m) Something we've stopped worshiping
(r) The technological system we worship by fueling its growth and maintaining it, at the expense of our freedom and quality of life

The act of talking to distract oneself from action or uncomfortable truths, such as one's dissatisfaction in life, one's loss of agency within society, or one's death. Can also be done internally

(m) 1. Hedonistic escape
(m) 2. Comfort

(m) To be under a tolerated threshold for a set of metrics related to one's body
(r) A sense of aliveness and delight found in one's body


  1. The commodification of relaxation and foreign destinations in order to keep alienated workers from going mad
  2. What boring people do to feel like they're getting out of their comfort zone

The most expensive purchase in one's life which leads to lifelong monetary debt, used as a token for status by way of storing things one never uses, in order to be shown to other people who do not even care

Human (noun)
(m) A unit of production which needs to be managed in order to serve the technological system
(r) Someone who is able to love, grow, learn, connect, and ultimately live for something greater than his/her self

(m) the ability to fit in and contribute to the technological system
(r) the ability to ask the most important questions in a precise manner

A kafkaesque system of restrictions and obfuscations which ultimately serve the most powerful people and the system which they depend on

Largely disposable middlemen who cannot do anything else but command others

A system which is able to manufacture what people desire and serve the interests of the most powerful

Meaning (noun)
(m) A story overlaid on top of reality to justify one's meaningless life within the technological system
(r) A felt sense of connection to a broader context, through other people and that which sits Outside the shell of self

Distraction away from what one can control, in order to induce passivity, learned helplessness, despair and anxiety

Nice (adj)
(m) A person who cannot assert their boundaries and turns it into a virtue

Normal (adj)
The most accepted form of insanity.

Natural (ajd)
(m) Denotes green stuff that has been carefully placed to give a semblance of being connected to an ecological context
(r) In accordance with the flow of conscious Life

(m) The activity which can make rich people richer and that one dislikes the least

The distraction from real agency and making sense of the world, in favor of propaganda, outrage, and a global narrative war

Progress (noun)
(m) Having the same fundamental problems but at a bigger scale

The field of study that pathologizes and manages natural symptoms which show up in an unnatural world

The act of shifting chairs on a sinking ship

School (noun)
The trauma factory that forms automatons of the technological system


  1. Self-coercion
  2. Self-management to cope with an unnatural world

Sleep (noun)
The usual state of modern man

Social media

  1. Asocial media
  2. Parasocial media
  3. Vector for propaganda
  4. Helpful technology that has been coopted in order to serve the interests of businesses and government

Solve (a problem) (verb)
(m) To export them in space or time

Stress (noun)

  1. Unresolved trauma
  2. The desperate espace from an uncomfortable truth
  3. The habitual worrying of problems that are out of one's control
  4. The result of being constantly dissociated from one's body

(m) The carrot dangled in front of people to make them play the game of society

(m) The quantified abstraction used by the technological system to micromanage individuals at a large scale and make them tense about what they are not doing

(m) 1. What causes the least amount of cognitive dissonance in someone

(m) 2. In accordance with the collective reality

(m) 1. A bottomless hole for a paycheck

(m) 2. A socially accepted form of slavery which fuels the technological system


1 See Exiting modernity: are you not entertained?

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